Cat Thinks He is a Snow Leopard and the Perils of Shopping in the Winter


I have mentioned before that our Eddie hates the snow, but lest I sound like a liar because these pictures tell a different story, I should clarify by saying that what cat hates is falling snow and getting his paws wet. He dislikes rain for the same reason.

But cold he can handle and does request a daily outing regardless of the temperature.

True story … Once someone knocked on our door to say that they thought our cat wanted to come inside. They couldn’t believe that it was his idea to be out there in such cold weather.

Of course, we keep an eye out on him and invite him back inside at regular intervals, but really, when the sun is shining, he enjoys it outside.




These pictures were taken last Sunday, on a day that was so friggin frigid that I think my cheeks froze while I was out for a walk. I was wearing a good sunscreen so it had to be a result of the cold not the sun. They were red and sensitive all week, causing me to keep them covered in Vitamin E oil. It worked like a charm and they’re now fine, but sheesh, that shiz is shiny!

I had the remains of some on my face when I dashed out to my favourite department store (The Bay) on Thursday, but I thought it was ok and didn’t look too bad with my minimal make-up look. That is until I caught my reflection in a mirror at the store. Note to self : get better lighting over your mirror, because it’s not telling you the true story. And a bit of pretty pink lipstick doesn’t always do the trick.

Another thing about Vitamin E oil is that it has staying power. My attempt at wiping it with a tissue was futile, so there I was in all my shiny red-faced glory. But that didn’t stop me from having a bit of a shop, since I was already there. I had a gift card to use and the end of season sales were in full force with everything reduced a further 50% off. I got purple skinny jeans, grey on black snakeskin pattern leggings, 4 pairs of tights, 1 pair comfy cotton flannelette pjs, (which I am wearing as I type), and a pair of shoes.

Then as I was leaving the store, I had no choice but to walk through the fragrance and cosmetic section on the main floor. By that time, I could add ‘hot’ to the description of how I must have looked, as I had dressed warmly in double sweaters under my parka, for the walk over.

So there I was, walking down an isle staffed by gorgeous, beautifully attired and coiffed women who could have been models, all watching as I made my way along … red faced, shiny cheeked, and hot. And as I passed they smiled pleasantly (although they must have looked at one another and smiled behind their hands after I had made my way out to the wintery outdoors).

And the cherry on top? When I got home I realized that the zipper on my jeans was down. I must have forgotten to pull it up after trying things on.

Yup, I am cool like that.





Thanks for dropping over. Wishing you a great week-end. And happy Caturday from Eddie.
xo loulou
