Christmas Decor 2019, Dinner with Friends and a Fun Bonus

Hello! Yesterday I wrote about the vintage Christmas decorating pieces I’d found at the vintage stores. Today I’m here to show you how those things looked, in action, amoungst the things we already had.
There are also some shots taken during a little get together, when my friends Julie and Leslie came over for dinner. We were originally planning to get a little crochet lesson in (I’m teaching them both how), but alas, the chatting, food and bubbly wine got in the way and we never ended up getting the yarn out!

↑ A reminder of the thrifted Christmas items I found this year, described and photographed separately in this post. Each piece shows up at least once in the photographs, so, if you’d like, you can try to spot them. ↑

↑ All baked by Leslie! ↑

The next morning …

↑ A photo of our tv. Wait a minute … who’s that? Yes, it’s Julie! She was on the Global Morning Show the next day, talking about the emotional benefits of knitting. (She’s a pro knitter, known to be at the forefront of the scene. See her blog here – Knitted Bliss). ↑

She was so good! I was beaming and snapping photos the whole time while watching. You can see the segment here if you’d like to know about the unexpected benefits of knitting.
Thank you for reading. xo loulou