Hipster Park


Today I’ve written about a place nearby called Trinity Bellwoods Park. I go there often, so you may have seen pictures of it before.

In researching an aspect of it recently (its impressive and carefully curated collection of tree species), I came across a feedback forum thing which included a discussion about this park and was interested to read all the negative comments people had left about it being unfriendly, elitist and overcome by ‘hipsters’, the word used as though it were a really bad insult.

To be honest I’m not exactly sure what being a hipster is and maybe I am one, because I choose to live an artsy lifestyle and like to hang put in this park.


It is an area that was donated to the city a long time ago. An interesting point about it is that much of the park is over a river that used to run south and was diverted through a huge underground tunnel in the early 1900s. The river still runs right under our feet here. In these next shots you can get a feel for the river banks. Just behind where I stood to get the pictures is a major bridge that was buried completely intact.


I have lived in other neighbourhoods in the city and it was an easy decision to come back to this one after Nick and I got married. It is called Queen Street West (that’s a street name though is also used to describe the area). I say ‘come back’ because I have already lived here for short periods twice before, but moved away to live in different parts of the city. Turns out in the end, I never wanted it to leave at all and have chosen this neighbourhood for my forever home. The live-and-let-live vibe here is something I can’t see myself ever giving up.


↑ That looks like a pond but it’s a dip in the land where the river used to run. See this post if you want details on that. ↑

And so I couldn’t wait to get into the park on our first really nice afternoon of spring on Monday. Yes, I was still bundled up in a sweater, light jacket, scarf, hat and gloves. But I also needed sunscreen on my face.

I didn’t run today but I often do along this path.


Consider listening to this song The Park. I am a big fan of the singer Feist and this song is one of my favourites. Born on the east coast of Canada, she lived in Toronto for a while, and although I am not certain I would venture to say that the park she sings about is this one.

Thanks for looking,
Xo loulou
