Making a Miniature Scene Decorated for Autumn

Hello! I hope you’re doing well.

Lately, I’ve been having fun making tiny things and setting up this autumnal scene. At this point, I have no plans to actually kit out an entire doll house (although I really admire those who do), but have been enjoying the little things in life. (haha).

Everything was made from scratch except the base of the table (the part that’s painted green), which is a blank wood crafting piece I found at Dollarama that I modified and added to. Also, the drawer came from a plastic toy, but I made it look like a vintage wooden item by painting it. And, didn’t make the “fruits and vegetables” in the baskets and paper bag, or the stems in the white “vase”. Except for the stems with the white bits on them, these are all real berries and stalks I got from the garden.

↑ Made from jute twine and thread. ↑

↑ The bag and the basket are made with paper. ↑

↑ This crate was made with popsicle sticks and jute twine. ↑

↑ Crocheted with fine cotton and a very small hook, following my own pattern. ↑

↑ This cute kitten print is a clipping from a vintage greeting card — I have doubles on the card, so felt ok cutting one to make this little artwork. The frame was made with popsicle sticks. ↑

Here are some shots which include a regular sized house key for scale …

↑ The turquoise baskets and round orange mat are made from twine and thread. ↑

↑ The plant and pot are made from painted paper. ↑

Thank you for looking.

xo Loulou
