Caturday Goes to the Dogs : Our Pet Away From Home


While Eddie the Cat was being spoiled by his human grandmother when we were away, we were treated to some quality time spent with this little guy. His name is Widget and he lives with the relatives with whom we were staying for part of our time on the west coast.






And what a good pal he was, jumping into my lap and falling promptly asleep as soon as we had gotten into the car upon arriving on Salt Spring Island. Then whenever there was some hanging out to do, he was right there joining in. Reaching the pinnacle of adorableness is the way he often crosses his front paws while relaxing.



Here is a collage of blast-from-the-past pictures from 2006 when Widget weighed only 3 pounds.


Wishing you a great Saturday. It’s a long week-end here with an extra day off on Monday for Canada Day and we purposely made no specific plans other than reading on the deck, taking walks and perhaps doing a little shopping. Oh, and I’m sure there will be some bbq’d food consumed and one or two cocktails. With the availability of mint from our herb garden and the purchase of a muddler, we are really digging Mojitos lately.

The first time I ever tried one was in the lobby of the hotel that Hemingway lived in in Havana, Cuba, (pictures) and to be honest I didn’t really like it. Definitely an acquired taste because now I wonder what it was I didn’t like about the drink.

And speaking of digging, there is a very public and somewhat messy spot in the garden that I must do something about cleaning up this weekend too.

How about you … What’s in store for your weekend?
