Road Trip : Downtown to the Countryside – with a Video

Hello! I hope you’re all doing ok. (I’d say “well” but I don’t think anyone is doing particularly well these days, so I’ll settle with a sincere wish for “ok”).
Nick and I took a half day little road trip last week, to a place neither of us had been before. We drove about an hour north-east of Toronto, to an area called “Georgina”.
There, we visited a cool antique and vintage market called “Antiques on Highway 48“. It was two stories tall and packed with all kinds of cool old things.
We also found a charming roadside farm stand selling cobs of corn that had been just picked from the adjacent fields. They had chickens there, too, something we don’t get to see very often.
I made a video of the afternoon, that I hope you’ll enjoy watching.
(Aside: If you liked the video, it would be helpful to me if you’d go over to YouTube by clicking here, and give it a thumbs up and/or leave a comment. Also, it would be great if you’d subscribe to my new YouTube channel. No pressure, though. Thank you, if you do!)
These two images of us are stills from the video because we forgot to take photos of ourselves …

However, I did remember to get a few photos of other things! …

You can see what I selected to bring home in the video linked above.

It was a fun and different (for us) thing to do on a late summer afternoon. We didn’t make it there this time, but I see from the map that if you continue north on Highway 48 you get to a hiking, park and beach area on the southern coast of Lake Simcoe.
Thanks for reading. Wishing you a great weekend. xo loulou