Bits and Pieces : January 2014

Hi. Here is the post where I put some pictures taken during the previous month, that didn’t fit in with any other story. I try to only show you the most interesting images. I hope you like them.


↑↑ The Big Thimble : This sculpture has been on the corner of Spadina and Richmond for as long as I can remember. There is also a big button seen to the right, and a measuring tape painted along the sidewalk. This area used to be filled with warehouses and designer showrooms and is where I used to shop for my suits back in the early days of corporate life. You could get a well made and stylish suit for a very decent price and it allowed me to ‘dress like the boss’, which was a piece of advice given to young people entering the world of business. The area has changed dramatically in the past decade and those old places are pretty well all gone now, except for a coat store.


↑↑ Line Up for New Kicks : Just up the street from the thimble, but on a different day in January, I happened upon this line-up of people waiting to get into a pop-up shop selling special shoes. I’m not sure what exactly was being sold but I was tempted to get in line to check it out.


↑↑ Violet House : I love some of the colours people paint their old houses, although would be reluctant to paint over brick if it was my place, because once painted they need to be redone every few years. But I guess having to redo them means having the freedom to go wild with colour choices. See a lime-green house I once took a picture of here.


↑↑ Red Wreath Blue Door – A Story of Change : For the longest time, this pair of houses was very run down and rough looking. Then a couple of years ago they were put up for sale and the same person bought both of them. They put a lot of effort into fixing them up, and then sold them again. They were bought quickly and I imagine the new residents have no idea how shabby their lovely homes looked like a mere two years ago.


↑↑ Condo Floral Display : One (of the many) things long-time residents of our area can’t help but notice are the pretty floral displays that now grace the sidewalks, decorating the entryways to the many new condo-buildings popping up like weeds.


↑↑ Old Versus New : I like the contrast between new and old buildings caught in this shot. Yes, there are many new condo buildings going up, but for the most part the old buildings that remain aren’t being knocked down to make room, (although in some cased they are, as seen here). In other cases the old buildings are being incorporated right into the design of the new, which is pretty neat.


↑↑ Stop Rob Ford : I imagine everyone knows about Toronto’s mayor Rob Ford. My target when I got this shot was the ‘Fun Life’ written on the post box and it wasn’t until I looked at the pictures later that I noticed that the better picture was behind what I had seen, where someone had put a sticker with Rob Ford’s name directly below the word Stop on the sign.


↑↑ Goodbye Graffiti : Last week (here) I showed you an interesting back alley in the city, where graffiti artists create beautiful paintings. But graffiti for the most part is illegal and it is the responsibility of home and business owners to get it cleaned up quickly, or else face a fine. So businesses like this have come into being.


↑↑ Dog Walker : I’ve mentioned before (in this post) that there are people who make a job of walking dogs in the city. They require a dog-walker’s permit and I think they’re allowed to walk 5 at a time. They pick them up and drop them off throughout the day, as the dog owners are at work.


↑↑ Winter Park : Oh my goodness, just looking at this picture makes me feel cold. In spite of the bright sun it was so so frigid the day I took this picture on my way back from the drugstore.


↑↑ Winter Tree : It wasn’t all bitterly cold days in January and this tree was photographed on one of the warmer (but still freezing) days that I went out just to have a walk and get some fresh air.


↑↑ Winter Bike Rider : I would never ride my bike at this time of the year but it doesn’t stop the hardier folks around town.


↑↑ Fake Flowers for Mother Mary : The title says it all. The fellow in the picture appeared to have all his belongings in the bag on his back, as he transferred from one shelter to another.


↑↑ Smoking Lady : A painting on the side of a bar/music venue called The Cameron House on Queen Street West. The building began its life in the early 1900s as a hotel and I believe still has some rooms for rent.


↑↑ Subway Car House : Another painting on a wall.
