EBay Calling : Fire King and Linen Things

I received a couple of packages from EBay last week! Here is what I got …

A set of four vintage Fire King milk-glass custard cups, adorned with blades of wheat. I wanted these because I was becoming a little nervous by the amount of use my treasured (and very rare) set of Duraline bowls of a similar size were getting (see them pictured in this post. Back when I did that post, I said that we used them everyday and I was ok with this, but a girl can change her mind, right?). They were becoming Nick’s favourite for all kinds of uses, so I think I’ll quietly put the other ones away for ‘good’ use, and slip these newly acquired ones into the cupboard for everyday use! And these are oven safe and we plan to try making creme caramel in the near future. (cost = $2.99 bid + $13 shipping .. darn Canada Post is sooo expensive!)

The second package contained something I love! Pure linen napkins and place mats, 4 of each, probably from the 50s or 60s but not yet used. I do already have some vintage linen napkins but they are tiny cocktail sized. These ones are full size, so will get lots of everyday use! Being linen, they will just get more lovely with every washing. And these were given the “House and Garden Colour” seal of approval to boot! (Cost $9.99 bid + $10 shipping)

Thank you very much for taking a look at my loot. I hope you’re having a great Thursday.
I’m off to have a brisk walk now before dinner, and when I say brisk, I mean it as it is really really cold out there today! :/
xo loulou
