Hello and Happy Holidays! Hope you’re well and will have some fun today. With our city in lockdown, Nick and I will be alone this year, but, while we miss seeing our friends and family and doing the usual festive things, we’re ok.
We have a white Christmas here in Toronto, as it snowed last night. It was perfect timing as it was the first we’ve really had this year so far. I can hear Nick outside shoveling as I type this!
We’ll be making a nice dinner of Coq au Vin and we have some delicious chocolate caramel Yule log cake from Dufflet’s leftover from Nick’s birthday earlier this week.
I was back and forth on whether to decorate for Christmas this year, as nobody would be coming over to see it, but, in the end, I couldn’t resist pulling out my tubs of vintage decor, to have a look at my treasures. Then I began sorting things into categories which resulted in a few vignettes around the place.
I made a video, which shows them off better than these photos do and includes more, so, please have a look.
If you like watching videos and would like to subscribe to my fledgling Youtube channel, click this link to get there (or, if you prefer, open Youtube and search for Loulou Downtown.) Over there you can also give the video a thumbs up and comment, if you’d like. Thank you very much if you do!

↑ For the crocheters out there, the wreath is handmade, with a tutorial in this post. ↑

Thank you, as always, for reading. Your online company is valued and appreciated! xo loulou