Hello! I hope you’re doing well.
Here’s a look at some collections that suit a winter theme, that I currently have on display. With less to do than usual these days, I’ve spent some time digging around in cupboards and boxes, sorting things that “belong” together.
Most items are vintage, many having been found at the thrift store. There are some handmade pieces and things I’ve received as gifts, too. Also, I’ve saved a number of Christmas cards with snowy images, over the years, which I’ve used to enhance the winter mood.
As always, here are some photographs, but I also made a short video which shows more detail and gives a better look at everything :

↑ A new “Cross-Stitch on Paper” piece : The technique is described in this post. Also, please see this post, for the crochet pattern for the flower. ↑

↑ My pal Julie gave me this ceramic squirrel the second time she came over to our place (written about in this post). She’s one of my best friends now but back then, we barely knew one another. It’s funny that she sensed that this fellow would be the perfect gift and that I’d be happily featuring him in displays many years later. ↑

↑ I spied the top of that bottle poking out of a hole in a trash bag that was sitting in the yard of a long abandoned house, one afternoon, while on my way to the grocery store. There were people all around, so I didn’t have the nerve to go rooting into a filled garbage bag and pull it out. But, while at the store, the interesting bottle was on my mind. I devised a plan to get it, with (hopefully) no one seeing me do it. When I walked by it on the way home, while continuing to look straight ahead, I bent at the knees and quickly reached in, grabbed the bottle and stuck it in a grocery bag I’d left empty specifically for the purpose, without breaking my stride. I didn’t get a look at it until I got home and then I was excited. Upon looking it up, I learned it was a very rare pickle bottle from late 1800s to early 1900s, which was made in Glasgow Scotland by Rowat & Co. There’s actually one like it (but in worse condition) on display at the Museum of Vanvouver, written about here. ↑

↑ There are a couple of the stars I recently crocheted, the pattern for which was included in this post. The painting is by (my husband) Nick’s aunt. The small silver wine goblet on the right is engraved and was given to Nick’s dad to commemorate his birth. ↑

↑ More of the crocheted stars. ↑

↑ This deer is one of my favourite thrift finds ever, written about in this post. ↑

↑ The pattern for the little stocking is in this post. ↑
Thank you for visiting. xo loulou