What a Difference Six Months Make : Walking in a Blizzard

Hello! Not to be one who goes on about the weather, but today’s post is, umm, well, about the weather.

While we swelter here in Toronto on a hot muggy day that feels like 30 degrees (86f), with a forecast that calls for Sunday to feel like 37 (99f), we are still very much in the throes of summer.

I’m reminded of a riddle that was in a colouring book that I had as a kid. The whole book was riddles and I remember thinking it was one of the best things ever. I realize now, that the jokes were as corny as can be, though. For example Q : What kind of keys don’t open doors? A : Donkeys and turkeys. And, the reason I bring it up now — Q : Why is the letter “G” so hot? A : Because it’s in the middle of August!

If you, too, are are sweating right now, perhaps the power of suggestion brought on by these photographs will cool you off a little bit. They were taken on February 13th, exactly 6 months ago, to the hour, while I walked through Grange Park.

Back then, I’d already posted about massive snowfall we’d had in the city the previous week (seen here), so I held back on sharing more pictures of snow. Until now, that is, when I think they might be more appreciated for their oddity.

Not that I’m wishing summer away because I’m definitely not, but some of my favourite walks have been those that were taken in the midst of a blizzard!

↑ There an interesting ruin of a this Gothic era church, built in 1844 and burned down except for this spire in 1955, at the southern end of the park. (I photographed it and wrote about it in more detail in point #8 this post. ↑

Also, if you’d like to read about Toronto’s historical Grange Park, which is located directly behind (to the south of) the AGO, and to see what it looks like without snow, I wrote about it here. It was completely revitalized in 2016-2017 and is a lovely place to while away a hot summer afternoon, or, apparently, to stroll through on a blizzardy winter one.

Thank you for visiting. xo loulou
