Hello. I hope you’re doing ok and have had a good weekend. Here is the weekly update for my Creative Challenge. I’ve been working on a few projects but none are ready to show here yet, so instead I’ll share two items that I finished last year, which I put together last week, giving each of them a new look.
Firstly, there’s the completed embroidery piece from a kit by Julie at Knitted Bliss Stitching, called “In My New Spring Sweater”. It’s still quite cool here, so a cozy spring sweater is definitely a must for any appropriately dressed bunny!
I previously wrote bout this kit (in this post) when I began working on it last summer. If you’d like to see photos of all the separate items that came with it, there are photos on there.
Julie’s embroidery kits have quite detailed images to work on, with lots of different colours of thread. There are also a wide variety of different stitches to try. So, unless you’re a really fast stitcher, these are something that you’ll pick up and work on over time, enjoying the process as much as you do the finished product.

Check out Julie’s site to see all the different kits and other projects she has created for your stitching pleasure!
I decided to display the piece within a crocheted wreath that I made for Spring decorating a couple of years ago. If you are a fellow crocheter and would like to make a wreath like this, in whatever colour scheme you desire, there’s a previous post about it here.
This is hung up in our living room and it makes me smile whenever I look at it!
Thanks for reading and wishing you a good week and happy creating if you also enjoy making things.
xo loulou